Now, if Help were to only stabilize the dying (perhaps even with a Medicine check involved), that would immediately raise the stakes and make the player choose between spending a healing resource (spell, potion, what have you) to get the character back on their feet or to prevent them from dying temporarily, but still have them unconscious for the duration of the fight. I realize that further into the campaign, once enemies get extra attacks and such, such situation will become less and less likely to occur, but the point still stands regardless. Rince and repeat for however many turns it takes to finish the enemy off. Even if you party has 1 HP remaining on everyone and you have no means of healing, you can simply Help whomever gets taken down every turn while using your remaining character(s)'s action to deal damage. Having played through Patch 6 and beaten the nastier fights in the Grymforge (Nere, the mimics, the guardian), I am once again 100% certain that the Help action in its current form is heavily detrimental to the combat's flow, making any fight against a single opponent, as long as you have at least 3 characters and said opponent doesn't have any means of doing damage to several characters at once, practically a guaranteed win.